Currently, I am a full-stack software developer in DeepnetSecurity and responsible for several cloud projects base on Google Cloud Platform. The major technology stacks are Java, Angular (2+) and Xamarin. I am proficient in Jersey, Shiro, Guice and Swagger in Java backend, meanwhile the contributor of Swagger-codegen which is an important part of Swagger eco-system. I am the Chinese translator of the book of A Beginner's Guide to Code Generation for REST APIs. PhD graduated from the School of Informatics Department of City, University London. I advised by George Spanoudakis. My research subject is network security special for Botnet. My Bachelor and Master graduated from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA) which focus on the distributed computing. I'm a co-founder of IDAOYOO which is a Chinese tour guide social network based in London.
Feb, 2016 - Present
Full stack developer for several projects related to unified authentication system: Identity provider authentication server, Single sign on system. The framework of back-end is a light combination based on Jersey, Guice, Shiro and Swagger. I also familiar with the Angular 2+ for front end development. Meanwhile, I also involved in a Xamarin mobile app project iClockIn which devote to simplify the attendance of business.
May, 2014 - Feb, 2016
Provided teaching assistant for the undergraduate course including Mathematics for Computing, Computation and Reasoning and Object-Oriented Analysis and Design. Meanwhile, I got involved in the Second Maker for Individual Project. Gained experience of communication and logical thinking.
May, 2013 - 2015
IDAOYOO website is novel online platform specific designed for promoting overseas Chinese tour guides and local business from all over the world to Chinese travelers. IDAOYOO has developed unique skills to build powerful bridges between local brand/business and these well spending customers. During this period, I mastered the website deployment, operation and other technologies.
May, 2009 - May, 2010
I worked as QA Tester in the group of TMMS (Trend Micro Mobile Security) which is engaged in developing the security software on mobile platforms.
Sept, 2012 - Sep, 2016
Botnet is a new direction of cyber security and my research objective is to design a system for detecting Botnet. Research on the mobile Botnet detection on Android platform. Became familiar with JAVA and Android development technique. Provided analysis of the traffic network pass through the mobile device by using machine learning classification. A mobile Botnet detection framework (MBotCS) is developed on the Android platform. Phd Thesis An integrated networkbased mobile botnet detection system
Sept, 2010 - July 2012
The postgraduate courses cover some advanced topics in computer science such as parallel and distributed system and advanced artificial intelligence. And the final mark is 87.98/100 and the subject of thesis is "Virtual Resource Management in Cloud".
Sept, 2006 - July 2010
The undergraduate courses cover all fundamental of computer science such as Data Structure (95/100), Operation System (94/100) and Database Principles (96/100) and so on. And the average GPA of all required courses is 4.0/5.0.
The Light Restful API framework including Jersey 2, Guice, Swagger, JSON Jackson and so on.
LinkThe Chinese translator of Swagger-Codegen Book. The contributor of the Swagger-Codegen project.
LinkThe website build by Angular with Material Design which also integrated several feature such language switch, theme switch, mobx and so on.
LinkThe website build by Angular with Metronic Template which is complex commercial template including a lot of feature. Meanwhile, several Angular 3rd party components are also integrated to the project such ngx-datatable, ngx-toaster and so on.
LinkThe cross-platform Xamarin App on iOS&Android platform with the Grial UI Kit. Meanwhile, several platform dependent feature implemented on the project by using Dependency Injection such as Geo-Fence and Network monitor.
LinkThe store website which is based on the Opencart (the opensource project with PHP)
LinkThe store website which is based on the Opencart (the opensource project with PHP)
LinkThe blog site based on the Hexo which is deploy on the GitHub page. Use Git and Travis to build and deploy automatically. Use Cloudflare to manage the DNS and cache.
LinkXin Meng
To be a famous engineer in computer science is my dream from childhood. When I entered university, I made a firm decision for the major of computer science and technology. So from undergraduate to master then to Ph.D, I was focusing on accumulating the knowledge of computer science. During nearly 10 years learning and researching, I have built an ability to learn and understand new technologies quickly and applied them in practise.
Many Thanks :)
Happy to learn New Things on demand of Technology